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Results for Carlos Viniegra

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Masters, lackeys and serfs: Why authoritarianism persists in the 21st century and how to oppose it Masters, lackeys and serfs: Why authoritarianism persists in the 21st century and how to oppose it by Carlos Viniegra,Bruno Perez Chavez,Tom Johnson,Marilyn Ward,Rafael Aguirre Ponce,Andrea Dabrowski,Elizabeth Polli,Beatriz Ramirez Cuevas

Masters, lackeys and serfs: Why authoritarianism persists in the 21st century and how to oppose it

by Carlos Viniegra,Bruno Perez Chavez,Tom Johnson,Marilyn Ward,Rafael Aguirre Ponce,Andrea Dabrowski,Elizabeth Polli,Beatriz Ramirez Cuevas

ISBN 13: 9786077891369

Format: Paperback (534 pages)
Publisher: Editorial Paralelo 21
Published: 24 Jun 2018

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